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About Ly-Ang...

Who is Ly-Ang?

This is a journey to regain, own and embrace who we are. Our complicated selves, the ones we know, the hidden ones, the silenced ones, the loudest ones, the senseless ones, and the wisest ones. 

Daughters, sisters, friends, colleagues, mothers, lovers, wives, cooks, cleaners... Anyone & Everyone who lives in us. 


You might wonder, Why?

Because, "Life is not to discover who we are but to create who we are." 

This project was parked when The Universe conspired to make one of my biggest dreams come true. 

Now The Universe has brought me back to it. I am sure it is for a good reason. 


What will you find here?

Here you will find stories, experiences, and thoughts. 

Funny memories, sad life lessons, strengths, 

flaws, love, and heartbreaks. In that way, I hope to discover who I am and where I am heading towards. 


I will be delighted if you want to follow me. 

Follow #findinglyang

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